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Jul 12, 2017

Do Not Shy Away From Consultations For Short Term Loans

Don't Shy Away From Consultations/Interviews For Short Term Loans

There are some loans which cannot be approved online. You have to pay a visit to your bank in person to get a home loan. You must meet a loan officer for a car loan, even if it is at the dealer's office. Payday loans or unsecured short term loans are usually offered online. You don't have to go to any loan officer or visit any office. Some lenders prefer direct correspondences but many are happy to work with you online. However, there may be a need to consult and there could be online interviews.

Online consultations, video calls or telephonic conversations are not something you should shy away from. Many borrowers don't feel comfortable in such junctures, primarily because of their poor credit score and also because they don't always want to share the exact purpose behind applying for a loan. Short term loans don't need to have a specific purpose. The loan amount may be used for personal expenses. The priority of a lender is to recoup its investment with interest. The lender is not particularly interested to know how the money is going to be spent. However, an interview or consultation may be deemed necessary just so the lender is content and can go ahead with approval.

Treat such conversations or interviews as you would approach any formal meeting. Share accurate personal details, answer relevant questions as straightforwardly as you can and do not try to conceal anything. When you share your personal details for a loan, know for certain that the lender can find out your credit score and other relevant information. Lying or concealing facts will not help. Be direct and honest, the lender will be content. If you want to be discreet about your purpose, you can always mention that you have a personal expenditure to take care of.

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